Contract Award: Drupal Subject Matter Expertise for Railroad Retirement Board
Agileana is excited to announce a new contract with the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB). The RRB is an independent agency in the executive branch of the Federal Government whose primary purpose is to administer benefits programs for railroad workers and their families.
Agileana will be migrating RRB's current Drupal 8 website to Drupal 9 over the next several months. Agileana is a company that is built for serving government organizations powered by Drupal. We have migrated websites from Drupal to WordPress, from WordPress to Drupal, and Drupal to Symfony. We also have significant experience migrating and modernizing websites from Drupal 7 into Drupal 8 and Drupal 8 into Drupal 9. Agileana has three Grand Master Acquia certifications and a number of developers who are a certification away from becoming a Grand Master.
We’re looking forward to assisting the RRB in their move to Drupal 9.